Mistakes is a experience

Mistakes is a experience

• Learn from mistakes, don't make Again

We make many mistakes in our life and forget and keep mistakes again and continue to make mistakes, mistakes are made to learn not to forget, I do not say that there are no mistakes at all, Mistakes can happen to everyone, some mistake are small, some big but every mistake teaches something or other, there is a need only to understand so that the mistake is not made again and the work that is spoiled by our mistake. try don't again and correct that not to be ahead.

• What role do mistakes play in our lives?

 Whatever we have learned today, we have learned by making mistakes, we have been taught to correct mistakes since childhood, we have learned to walk only after falling,But now that we have grown wiser, why not learn from mistakes and fix them, we are forgot, The mistake is like that of a teacher, who teaches us to fall and rise, and to move on.

Why we do not understand ?

As we become mature intelligent, somewhere arrogance arises in us, we consist in own mind the mistakes, who are young  who are mature, Keeping in mind one thing, everyone can make a mistake, whether it is a child or an old person or a teenager, mistakes keep on happening. Just as we grow up, we become a little self-conscious and do not accept our mistakes. Identified and corrected their mistakes and proceeded.

•Experiences is success

Many times we consider ourselves too guilty and Live life with great disappointment, experience is the key to success, if a work gets spoiled again and again, let it be frustrated, just do it and see where the mistake was made, do it again and until Until success comes in your hands.

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