Negativity is the virus

Negativity is the virus

Negativity is the virus

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Negativity is the virus
Negativity is the virus and positivity is the antidote, Don't think negative, be positive be positive.

Negativity is the virus, we have to face many types of viruses in our life, negative Thoughts are the biggest virus that is slowly makes us hollow inside, then whether it is to be disappointed with success or to be surrounded by negative thoughts by taking a special relationship, everything is virus, Try to stay away and not be able to take such virus birth, if you do not forget something that gives you only and only disappointment.And if you are unable to forget even after wanted , then you should spend more and more time with your family and do the things that you always wanted to do that,  every day meditate and do yoga, remember one thing if If you can give birth to some kind of virus, then you can also eliminate it, positive thoughts are

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